This agricultural well was not producing expected and necessary volumes of water. Shannon Pump pulled the pump, and WellJet went to work. Following WellJet, the same pump was immediately reinstalled.
The results were unbelievable: production increased more than 350%, specific capacity more than quadrupled, overall pump efficiency more than doubled – and the cost to pump water decreased by more than 60%!
Aldo Enterprises Well #AV-1
Los Banos, CA
Project partner: Shannon Pump Co., Merced, CA
Drill date: 2007
Casing type: mild steel
ID: 14”
Perforations: vertical slots
Total depth: 200’
Perforation zone: 80’-200’
Production: 483 gpm | Production: 1,709 gpmIncrease: 1,226 gpm Percentage increase: 354% |
Drawdown: 56’ | Drawdown: 48’ Improvement: 8’ Percentage improvement: 14.3% |
Specific Capacity: 8.6 | Specific Capacity: 35.6 Percentage improvement: 414% |
Overall Pump Efficiency: 26% | Overall pump efficiency: 66% Improvement: 254% |
Cost per acre-foot: $41.69 | Cost per acre-foot: $14.90 Savings per acre-foot: $26.79 Percentage savings: 64.3% |
Annual pumping cost: $31,955 | Annual pumping cost: $11,421 Annual savings: $20,534 |